Saturday, May 24, 2008


It's been a while since my last post so I thought I'd do a sketch of my most favorite celebrity right now.....Russell Brand.
The guy is a genius and one of the funniest people around today. If you get a chance to read his Biography 'My Booky Wook' then do, it's a shocking but very funny read.
Also, his show on BBC Radio 2 on Saturday nights is well worth a listen.


Mark Baker said...

nice one ken, the man is an absolute genius, i listen to the podcasts religiously. youve captured his philandering attitude nicely.

kencoogan said...

Cheers Mark! He's not bad at the ol' stand up comedy either is he?

Marion said...

That's quite an improvement from the one you showed on the NCN-forum!!
I still don't know him though.

kencoogan said...

Thanks Marion, I just thought this version captured his flirtatious personality better than my first attempt. He's extremely down to earth but he uses his intelligent and articulate mannner so cleverly in his humour.
You should look him up on YouTube!!

Paul Moyse said...

I agree with Marion, the body really works now. It's a great sketch, I just don't find him funny or appealing in any way, in fact he annoys me even more than Jamie Oliver!! Sorry!