This is yet another caricature I did a while back and was never really happy with so I decided to have another shot at him. I'm still not sure it's him though. There's something about that mouth...........

Update: I've made a few changes. I think I'm a lot happier with this version......
Hey Ken, nice rendering, but your right, something is definatley off. His mouth looks a little too perfect. He's not a handsome man. Maybe work his mouth from a different ref. One of the best caricatures I have seen of him was by Niall, and he managed to capture him in all his pointy toothed glory ! Hope you don't mind the crit.
I've been looking at a few more refs, and his face is more long and podgy, than rounded... still really like it though !
Thanks Jordi. I don't quite understand what you actually posted, apart from the word 'blog' of course!
Thanks Matt, I think it'll be back to the drawing board with this one.
Good basic structure there, keep at it!
Thanx man!
Nice rendering.
Love the teeth!
100% improvement, the likeness is great. Nice one !
beautiful work!!!
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